Advancedd Modul 11

Ultralydguidede injeksjoner på kadaver

Dag 1 - fredag
09:00 – 09:15 Registration Housekeeping and registration

09:15 – 09:30 Presentation & Discussion Outline of the day – Course objectives & an introduction to the tutors

Rules of the lab!

09:30 – 09:45 Presentation & Discussion Types of injections – we will cover joint, tendon sheath, bursal and nerve injections plus more advanced procedures including barbotage, high volume injections, hydrodistention, tendon stripping and dry needling techniques

What should we inject and when? – a review of the evidence and tutors experience

The evidence base for US guided injections – is it worth it?

09:45 – 10:15 Presentation and practical demonstrations Injection technique – How to carry out an in-plane and out-of-plane injection – technical considerations and top tips on how to manipulate the probe and your machine parameters to optimise the needle

10:15 – 11:30 Cadaveric lab – demonstrations & practical workshop Knee – Intra-articular, infra-patellar and superficial bursa and high volume patella tendon, fat pad injection, aspirations, semi-membranosus tendon, Bakers cyst

11:30 – 13:00 Cadaveric lab – demonstrations & practical workshop Ankle & Foot – talo-crural, sinus tarsi, FHL & tibilais posterior sheath, medial and lateral recesss, posterior impingement, Mortons neuroma , 1st MTP, seasamoiditis, Achilles high volume injections and tendon scrapping, plantarfasciitis

13:00 – 13:45 Lunch

13:45 – 14:45 Cadaveric lab – demonstrations & practical workshop Hip & groin– Intra-articular hip injection, psoas sheath, ilioinguinal nerve, snapping hip syndrome & common adductor tendon.

14:45 – 15:00 Presentation & Discussion Procedural consideration of US guided injections – discussion around sterility, aseptic technique, probe covers and the use of sterile gel and anti-bacterial agents.

15:00 – 17:00 Cadaveric Lab (the cadavers will be moved onto their sides) Demonstration & Practical Workshop Hip – gluteus medius and minumus, trochanteric bursal injections

Knee – ITB friction syndrome, pes anseurine bursitis

Ankle – peroneal tendon injection, ST joint and sinus tarsi injection

Revision from Day 1

Dag 2 - lørdag
09:00 – 09:15 Registration Re-cap of the main learning points and plan for the day

09:15 – 11:00 Demonstration & Practical Workshop Shoulder – Intra-articular, ACJ, SA Bursa, LH biceps sheath, Suprascapular nerve

11:00 – 13:00 Demonstration & Practical Workshop Wrist & Hand – Intra-articular, scaphoid-lunate, TFCC, DeQuervains tenosynovitis, CTS, Guyons Canal, trigger thumb/finger

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 Demonstration & Practical Workshop Elbow – Intra-articular (radial-ulnar & humero-ulnar joint), cubital fossa, common flexor and extensor tendons & distal biceps

16:00 – 16:50 Demonstration & Practical Workshop Revision – delegates can choose which injections to recap/revise

16:50 – 17:00 Presentation and discussion Recap of course, the future of ultrasound and guided procedures

Feedback forms and presentation of certificate


Advanced Eksamen

Advanced eksamen gjennomføres ved at man stiller med egen «pasient/demo» som vil benyttes under eksamineringen. Det vil være en praktisk, teoretisk og muntlig eksamensform der kandidaten må vise til svært god kunnskap om ultralyd og være erfaren og trygg i sine undersøkelser.

Det trekkes oppgaver som man blir eksaminert i. Eksamen må være bestått for å bli godkjent som spesialist i muskel- og skjelett. Det vil fremgå på spesialistgodkjenningen hvilke kvalifikasjoner man er eksaminert i.

Man kan velge å gå opp til eksamen i overekstremitet, underekstremitet eller begge deler. Samlet eksamenstid er ca 2 timer. Du får sensur rett etter endt eksamen.